Cold salting of waves

Kitchen Eastern European
Calorie content 18.5 kcal
Portions 3 l.
Cooking time 40 minutes
Proteins * 1.6 gr.
Fats * 1.7 gr.
Carbohydrates* 1.8 gr.
Cold salting of waves

Volnushki can be considered conditionally edible mushrooms. And all because they have a natural bitter taste. If you cook them without presoaking them, the bitterness remains. But if you follow all the rules for processing these mushrooms, you can create real delicacies from them. For example, cold salt. The waffles are crispy, dense, fragrant - just the perfect snack!


Cooking process

step 1 out of 4
We sort out the waves from random debris, clean them with a knife from surface contamination, remove areas with defects. Then we thoroughly rinse the mushrooms to achieve perfect purity of the fruit bodies. We place the prepared waves in a large container and fill them with water in such an amount to completely cover them. We leave the mushrooms in water at room temperature for two days to get rid of their natural bitterness. After the mentioned time has elapsed, we drain the water and proceed to salting the waves. We thoroughly rinse the indicated greens with running water. Peel the garlic, rinse and cut the cloves into transverse slices. For salting, we use a plastic or enamel container. At the bottom we put a third of the leaves of cherry, currant, oak, horseradish and dill umbrellas. Let's not forget about the bay leaf.
step 2 out of 4
Pour some of the salt, black peppercorns on top of the greens and place the layer of waves with the caps down. Put some of the garlic cloves on the mushrooms. Then put the herbs again, add salt, black pepper, place the waves and add the garlic. We try to distribute the components evenly. We repeat the layers of mushrooms, herbs and spices until the food runs out.
step 3 out of 4
Cover the laid waves with herbs, salt and spices with a gauze napkin and cover with an inverted flat plate of a smaller diameter. Place the weight on the bottom of the plate. Its weight should be such that it squeezes the waves, but not crush them. The rate of release of liquid from the mushrooms and the quality of salting in the end depend on the correct choice of weight. You can focus on the approximate weight of the cargo of 2-3 kilograms.
step 4 out of 4
On about the third or fourth day, the waves should give juice - a brine will form. The mushrooms will be completely covered with liquid. If the brine was not enough, it is worth making the load heavier. Waves will be fully ready for use in fourteen to sixteen days. You can put them in jars, fill them with brine, close them with plastic lids and store them in the refrigerator. Or you can just leave them in a pickling container. So they are also perfectly stored, provided that the container is moved to a cool cellar. Remember to change the gauze once a week or two to avoid mold growth.

Bon Appetit!

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