Custard cottage cheese Easter - a classic recipe

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 269.6 kcal
Portions 4 port.
Cooking time 40 minutes
Proteins * 11.5 g
Fats * 18.8 g
Carbohydrates* 28.6 gr.
Custard cottage cheese Easter - a classic recipe

Let's prepare custard cottage cheese Easter according to the classic recipe. We knead a mass of cottage cheese, sour cream, egg yolks, butter and sugar. We bring it to a boil - this is the main difference from the recipe for Easter with the raw method. Many people love custard Easter precisely because at this stage the yolks that make up the composition are heat treated. For flavorfulness, you can add any dried fruits and nuts to the Easter composition. Always an appropriate and safe option - raisins and almonds.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 15
For the preparation of Easter we use only fresh, high-quality cottage cheese and sour cream - the result directly depends on this. It is advisable to take cottage cheese with a fat content of at least 9%, and sour cream - 20-30%.
step 2 out of 15
Rinse the raisins thoroughly and pour in hot water to soften. We leave for twenty minutes. After that, drain the water, dry the raisins on a towel from residual moisture.
step 3 out of 15
For a uniform texture, rub the curd through a fine sieve. Alternatively, you can pass it through a meat grinder with a fine grid or punch it with a blender.
step 4 out of 15
Place the grated cottage cheese in a bowl.
step 5 out of 15
Add sour cream, sugar, vanilla sugar. Break the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. We don't use squirrels for Easter. Put the yolks in a bowl with the curd. Mix everything thoroughly.
step 6 out of 15
We take out the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it has time to soften by the time of cooking. Cut it into pieces and add to the bowl to the curd mass. We mix.
step 7 out of 15
Beat the resulting curd mass with a mixer to obtain complete homogeneity and light splendor.
step 8 out of 15
Pour the curd mass into a thick-walled saucepan and place on the stove. Heat the mixture over low heat with constant continuous stirring. Bring it almost to a boil. As soon as the first bubbles appear, we stop cooking.
step 9 out of 15
As it heats up, the mass will become more liquid - this is normal.
step 10 out of 15
After removing the pan with the boiled curd mass from the stove, we immerse it in a container of cold water. Stir the mass until it cools. We put the cooled curd mixture in the refrigerator for a couple of hours - it should thicken.
step 11 out of 15
Next, add the prepared raisins and almonds to the curd mass. As for the latter, it can be chopped kernels or more delicate almond petals.
step 12 out of 15
Mix well.
step 13 out of 15
We cover the paste box with gauze folded in two layers. We fill it with the prepared curd mass, level the surface.
step 14 out of 15
We wrap the edges of the gauze up, closing the curd. We cover with a lid and set the oppression on top in the form of, for example, a can of water. We remove the structure in the refrigerator for a day, so that the excess serum is glass and a dense texture is formed.
step 15 out of 15
After the specified time has elapsed, we remove the oppression, unfold the edges of the gauze and carefully turn the cottage cheese Easter onto a dish. If desired, the Easter surface can be decorated with pieces of marmalade, chocolate, coconut.
Bon Appetit!

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