Cheese custard for flowers

Kitchen World
Calorie content 272.3 kcal
Portions 8 port.
Cooking time 8 h.
Proteins * 9.3 gr.
Fats * 14.3 g
Carbohydrates* 28.7 g
Cheese custard for flowers

Desserts are loved not only for their taste, but also for the originality of their design. After all, the more beautiful the dessert, the faster it disappears from the table. Therefore, hostesses are always in search of their perfect cream. Cheese custard can become such a cream, the preparation of which we will now tell you about.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 9
Transfer the nuts to a saucepan, pour in milk, cream and add vanilla extract. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, then cover and leave for 15-30 minutes.
step 2 out of 9
Pour the milk mass with nuts into a blender and bring the mixture until smooth.
step 3 out of 9
Mix the flour, sugar, cornstarch and 4 yolks separately.
step 4 out of 9
Strain the milk-nut mass.
step 5 out of 9
Mix the milk-nut and flour mixture. Place it on medium heat.
step 6 out of 9
Boil the cream and stir constantly with a whisk so that it thickens, but does not go into lumps.
step 7 out of 9
Remove the cream from heat and refrigerate to cool completely.
step 8 out of 9
Add curd cheese to the chilled cream and beat until smooth.
step 9 out of 9
The cream is ready, all that remains is to make flowers on the cake out of it.

Bon Appetit!

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